One Earth utilizes these 14 realm divisions – further divided into 52 subrealms, 185 bioregions, and 844 ecoregions – as a framework to better understand the natural world that surrounds us.
Aegean and Western Turkey Sclerophyllous and Mixed Forests
Alps Conifer and Mixed Forests
Anatolian Conifer and Deciduous Mixed Forests
Central Anatolian Steppe and Woodlands
Central European Mixed Forests
Cherskii-Kolyma Mountain Tundra
Crimean Submediterranean Forest Complex
Cross-Timbers Savanna-Woodland
Dinaric Mountains Mixed Forests
Eastern Anatolian Deciduous Forests
Eastern Mediterranean Conifer-Broadleaf Forests
English Lowlands Beech Forests
European Atlantic Mixed Forests
Euxine-Colchic Broadleaf Forests
Faroe Islands Boreal Grasslands
North Atlantic Moist Mixed Forests
Northern Anatolian Conifer and Deciduous Forests
Pyrenees Conifer and Mixed Forests
Scandinavian Coastal Conifer Forests
Western European Broadleaf Forests
Admiralty Islands Lowland Rainforests
Ahklun and Kilbuck Upland Tundra
Al-Hajar Foothill Xeric Woodlands and Shrublands
Al-Hajar Montane Woodlands and Shrublands
Alaska Peninsula Montane Taiga
Alberta-British Columbia Foothills Forests
Albertine Rift Montane Forests
Altai Alpine Meadow and Tundra
Altai Montane Forest and Forest Steppe
Amazon-Orinoco-Southern Caribbean Mangroves
Amsterdam-Saint Paul Islands Temperate Grasslands
Angolan Montane Forest-Grassland
Angolan Scarp Savanna and Woodlands
Antipodes Subantarctic Islands Tundra
Appalachian Mixed Mesophytic Forests
Appalachian-Blue Ridge forests
Appenine Deciduous Montane Forests
Apure-Villavicencio Dry Forests
Arabian-Persian Gulf Coastal Plain Desert
Aravalli West Thorn Scrub Forests
Ascension Scrub and Grasslands
Australian Alps Montane Grasslands
Azerbaijan Shrub Desert and Steppe
Azores Temperate Mixed Forests
Badghyz and Karabil Semi-Desert
Banda Sea Islands Moist Deciduous Forests
Bermuda Subtropical Conifer Forests
Brahmaputra Valley Semi-Evergreen Forests
Brazilian Atlantic Dry Forests
British Columbia Coastal Conifer Forests
Caatinga Enclaves Moist Forests
California Central Valley Grasslands
California Coastal Sage and Chaparral
California Interior Chaparral and Woodlands
California Montane Chaparral and Woodlands
Campos Rupestres Montane Savanna
Canadian Aspen Forests and Parklands
Canary Islands Dry Woodlands and Forests
Canterbury-Otago Tussock Grasslands
Cape Verde Islands Dry Forests
Cape York Peninsula Tropical Savanna
Cardamom Mountains Rainforests
Carolines Tropical Moist Forests
Caspian Hyrcanian Mixed Forests
Cayos Miskitos-San Andrés and Providencia Moist Forests
Central Afghan Mountains Xeric Woodlands
Central American Atlantic Moist Forests
Central American Montane Forests
Central American Pine-Oak Forests
Central Asian Riparian Woodlands
Central British Columbia Mountain Forests
Central Canadian Shield Forests
Central China Loess Plateau Mixed Forests
Central Congolian Lowland Forests
Central Deccan Plateau Dry Deciduous Forests
Central Korean Deciduous Forests
Central Pacific Northwest Coastal Forests
Central Polynesian Tropical Moist Forests
Central Range Papuan Montane Rainforests
Central South Antarctic Peninsula Tundra
Central Tibetan Plateau Alpine Steppe
Central US Forest-Grasslands Transition
Central Zambezian Wet Miombo Woodlands
Central-Southern Cascades Forests
Central-Southern US Mixed Grasslands
Changbai Mountains Mixed Forests
Changjiang Plain Evergreen Forests
Chao Phraya Freshwater Swamp Forests
Chao Phraya Lowland Moist Deciduous Forests
Chatham Island Temperate Forests
Chhota-Nagpur Dry Deciduous Forests
Chiapas Depression Dry Forests
Chin Hills-Arakan Yoma Montane Forests
Christmas and Cocos Islands Tropical Forests
Clipperton Island Shrub and Grasslands
Cook Islands Tropical Moist Forests
Cordillera Oriental Montane Forests
Cordillera de la Costa Montane Forests
Corsican Montane Broadleaf and Mixed Forests
Costa Rican Seasonal Moist Forests
Cross-Niger Transition Forests
Cross-Sanaga-Bioko Coastal Forests
Da Hinggan-Dzhagdy Mountains Conifer Forests
Daba Mountains Evergreen Forests
Drakensberg Escarpment Savanna and Thicket
East Afghan Montane Conifer Forests
East African Montane Moorlands
East Arabian Fog Shrublands and Sand Desert
East Central Texas Savanna-Woodland
East Deccan Dry-Evergreen Forests
East Deccan Moist Deciduous Forests
East Saharan Montane Xeric Woodlands
Eastern Anatolian Montane Steppe
Eastern Australia Mulga Shrublands
Eastern Australian Temperate Forests
Eastern Canadian Boreal Forests
Eastern Canadian Temperate-Boreal Forest Transition
Eastern Congolian Swamp Forests
Eastern Cordillera Real Montane Forests
Eastern Great Lakes Lowland Forests
Eastern Himalayan Alpine Shrub and Meadows
Eastern Himalayan Broadleaf Forests
Eastern Himalayan Subalpine Conifer Forests
Eastern Java–Bali Montane Rainforests
Eastern Micronesia Tropical Moist Forests
Eastern Panamanian Montane Forests
Ethiopian Montane Grasslands and Woodlands
Fernando De Noronha-Atol Das Rocas Moist Forests
Flinders-Lofty Montane Woodlands
Fraser Plateau and Basin Conifer Forests
Ghorat-Hazarajat Alpine Meadow
Gobi Lakes Valley Desert Steppe
Great Lakes Basin Desert Steppe
Greater Negros-Panay Rainforests
Guajira-Barranquilla Xeric Scrub
Guianan Freshwater Swamp Forests
Guianan Highlands Moist Forests
Guianan Piedmont Moist Forests
Guizhou Plateau Broadleaf and Mixed Forests
Gulf of California Xeric Scrub
Gulf of St. Lawrence Lowland Forests
Hainan Island Monsoon Rainforests
Hawai'I Tropical Low Shrublands
Hawai'I Tropical Moist Forests
Hawai'i Tropical High Shrublands
Helanshan Montane Conifer Forests
Hengduan Mountains Subalpine Conifer Forests
Himalayan Subtropical Broadleaf Forests
Himalayan Subtropical Pine Forests
Hobyo Grasslands and Shrublands
Hokkaido Montane Conifer Forests
Horn of Africa Xeric Bushlands
Huon Peninsula Montane Rainforests
Iberian Sclerophyllous and Semi-Deciduous Forests
Iceland Boreal Birch Forests and Alpine Tundra
Ile Europa and Bassas Da India Xeric Scrub
Indus River Delta-Arabian Sea Mangroves
Inner Niger Delta Flooded Savanna
Interior Alaska-Yukon Alpine Tundra
Interior Alaska-Yukon Lowland Taiga
Interior Plateau US Hardwood Forests
Irrawaddy Freshwater Swamp Forests
Irrawaddy Moist Deciduous Forests
Islas Revillagigedo Dry Forests
Isthmian-Atlantic Moist Forests
Isthmian-Pacific Moist Forests
Italian Sclerophyllous and Semi-Deciduous Forests
Japurá-Solimões-Negro Moist Forests
Jarrah-Karri Forest and Shrublands
Jian Nan Subtropical Evergreen Forests
Juan Fernández Islands Temperate Forests
Kalaallit Nunaat Arctic Steppe
Kalaallit Nunaat High Arctic Tundra
Kamchatka-Kurile Meadows and Sparse Forests
Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau Alpine Steppe
Kayah-Karen Montane Rainforests
Kermadec Islands Subtropical Moist Forests
Khangai Mountains Alpine Meadow
Khangai Mountains Conifer Forests
Khathiar-Gir Dry Deciduous Forests
Kinabalu Montane Alpine Meadows
Knysna-Amatole Montane Forests
Kopet Dag Woodlands and Forest Steppe
Kuh Rud and Eastern Iran Montane Woodlands
Kwazulu Natal-Cape Coastal Forests
Lesser Sundas Deciduous Forests
Lord Howe Island Subtropical Forests
Louisiade Archipelago Rainforests
Lower Gangetic Plains Moist Deciduous Forests
Luang Prabang Montane Rainforests
Madagascar Dry Deciduous Forests
Madagascar Succulent Woodlands
Magdalena Valley Montane Forests
Maldives-Lakshadweep-Chagos Archipelago Tropical Moist Forests
Maputaland Coastal Forests and Woodlands
Marquesas Tropical Moist Forests
Masai Xeric Grasslands and Shrublands
Mato Grosso Tropical Dry Forests
Mediterranean Acacia-Argania Dry Woodlands and Succulent Thickets
Mediterranean Conifer and Mixed Forests
Mediterranean Dry Woodlands and Steppe
Mediterranean High Atlas Juniper Steppe
Mediterranean Woodlands and Forests
Mesoamerican Gulf-Caribbean Mangroves
Mid-Atlantic US Coastal Savannas
Mid-Canada Boreal Plains Forests
Midwest Canadian Shield Forests
Mindanao-Eastern Visayas Rainforests
Mizoram-Manipur-Kachin Rainforests
Mongolian-Manchurian Grassland
Montana Valley and Foothill Grasslands
Mount Cameroon and Bioko Montane Forests
Mulanje Montane Forest-Grassland
Murray-Darling Woodlands and Mallee
Namaqualand-Richtersveld Steppe
Nansei Islands Subtropical Evergreen Forests
Narmada Valley Dry Deciduous Forests
Nebraska Sand Hills Mixed Grasslands
Nelson Coast Temperate Forests
New Britain-New Ireland Lowland Rainforests
New Britain-New Ireland Montane Rainforests
New Zealand North Island Temperate Forests
New Zealand South Island Montane Grasslands
New Zealand South Island Temperate Forests
Nihonkai Montane Deciduous Forests
Norfolk Island Subtropical Forests
North Arabian Highland Shrublands
North Cascades Conifer Forests
North Deccan Dry Deciduous Forests
North Saharan Xeric Steppe and Woodlands
North Tibetan Plateau-Kunlun Mountains Alpine Desert
North Western Ghats Moist Deciduous Forests
North Western Ghats Montane Rainforests
Northeast Antarctic Peninsula Tundra
Northeast China Plain Deciduous Forests
Northeast Congolian Lowland Forests
Northeast India-Myanmar Pine Forests
Northeast Siberian Coastal Tundra
Northeastern Himalayan Subalpine Conifer Forests
Northeastern Spain and Southern France Mediterranean Forests
Northern Acacia-Commiphora Bushlands and Thickets
Northern Annamites Rainforests
Northern California Coastal Forests
Northern Canadian Shield Taiga
Northern Congolian Forest-Savanna
Northern Indochina Subtropical Forests
Northern Khorat Plateau Moist Deciduous Forests
Northern Mesoamerican Pacific Mangroves
Northern New Guinea Lowland Rain and Freshwater Swamp Forests
Northern New Guinea Montane Rainforests
Northern Pacific Alaskan Coastal Forests
Northern Rockies Conifer Forests
Northern Swahili Coastal Forests
Northern Thailand-Laos Moist Deciduous Forests
Northern Triangle Subtropical Forests
Northern Triangle Temperate Forests
Northern Vietnam Lowland Rainforests
Northland Temperate Kauri Forests
Northwest Andean Montane Forests
Northwest Antarctic Peninsula Tundra
Northwest Congolian Lowland Forests
Northwest Iberian Montane Forests
Northwest Russian-Novaya Zemlya Tundra
Northwestern Himalayan Alpine Shrub and Meadows
Novosibirsk Islands Arctic Desert
Nujiang Lancang Gorge Subalpine Conifer and Mixed Forests
Nullarbor Plains Xeric Shrublands
Nyanga-Chimanimani Montane Forest-Grassland
Ogasawara Subtropical Moist Forests
Ogilvie-Mackenzie Alpine Tundra
Pacific Coastal Mountain Icefields and Tundra
Pamir Alpine Desert and Tundra
Pantepui Forests and Shrublands
Papuan Central Range Sub-Alpine Grasslands
Peninsular Malaysian Montane Rainforests
Peninsular Malaysian Peat Swamp Forests
Peninsular Malaysian Rainforests
Pindus Mountains Mixed Forests
Prince Charles Mountains Tundra
Qilian Mountains Conifer Forests
Qilian Mountains Subalpine Meadows
Qin Ling Mountains Deciduous Forests
Qionglai-Minshan Conifer Forests
Queensland Tropical Rainforests
Rakiura Island Temperate Forests
Rann of Kutch Seasonal Salt Marsh
Rapa Nui and Sala Y Gómez Subtropical Broadleaf Forests
Red River Freshwater Swamp Forests
Red Sea-Arabian Desert Shrublands
Registan-North Pakistan Sandy Desert
Rwenzori-Virunga Montane Moorlands
Saharan Atlantic Coastal Desert
San Félix-San Ambrosio Islands Temperate Forests
Santa Lucia Montane Chaparral and Woodlands
Sayan Alpine Meadows and Tundra
Scandinavian Montane Birch Forest and Grasslands
Scandinavian and Russian Taiga
Sichuan Basin Evergreen Broadleaf Forests
Sierra Madre De Chiapas Moist Forests
Sierra Madre De Oaxaca Pine-Oak Forests
Sierra Madre Del Sur Pine-Oak Forests
Sierra Madre Occidental Pine-Oak Forests
Sierra Madre Oriental Pine-Oak Forests
Sierra de la Laguna Dry Forests
Sierra de la Laguna Pine-Oak Forests
Society Islands Tropical Moist Forests
Socotra Island Xeric Shrublands
Somali Acacia-Commiphora Bushlands and Thickets
Somali Montane Xeric Woodlands
Sonoran-Sinaloan Subtropical Dry Forest
South American Pacific Mangroves
South Antarctic Peninsula Tundra
South Apennine Mixed Montane Forests
South Arabian Fog Woodlands, Shrublands, and Dune
South Arabian Plains and Plateau Desert
South China-Vietnam Subtropical Evergreen Forests
South Deccan Plateau Dry Deciduous Forests
South Iran Nubo-Sindian Desert and Semi-Desert
South Taiwan Monsoon Rainforests
South Western Ghats Moist Deciduous Forests
South Western Ghats Montane Rainforests
Southeast Australia Temperate Forests
Southeast Australia Temperate Savanna
Southeast Tibet Shrublands and Meadows
Southeastern Iberian Shrubs and Woodlands
Southeastern Indochina Dry Evergreen Forests
Southeastern Papuan Rainforests
Southern Acacia-Commiphora Bushlands and Thickets
Southern Anatolian Montane Conifer and Deciduous Forests
Southern Annamites Montane Rainforests
Southern Atlantic Brazilian Mangroves
Southern Cone Mesopotamian Savanna
Southern Congolian Forest-Savanna
Southern Indian Ocean Islands Tundra
Southern Korea Evergreen Forests
Southern Mesoamerican Pacific Mangroves
Southern New Guinea Freshwater Swamp Forests
Southern New Guinea Lowland Rainforests
Southern Rift Montane Forest-Grassland
Southern Swahili Coastal Forests and Woodlands
Southern Vietnam Lowland Dry Forests
Southwest Amazon Moist Forests
Southwest Arabian Coastal Xeric Shrublands
Southwest Arabian Escarpment Shrublands and Woodlands
Southwest Arabian Highland Xeric Scrub
Southwest Arabian Montane Woodlands and Grasslands
Southwest Borneo Freshwater Swamp Forests
Southwest Iberian Mediterranean Sclerophyllous and Mixed Forests
Sri Lanka Dry-Zone Dry Evergreen Forests
St. Helena Scrub and Woodlands
Succulent Karoo Xeric Shrublands
Suiphun-Khanka Meadows and Forest Meadows
Sumatran Freshwater Swamp Forests
Sumatran Tropical Pine Forests
Sundarbans Freshwater Swamp Forests
Syrian Xeric Grasslands and Shrublands
São Tomé, Príncipe, and Annobón Forests
Taiheiyo Montane Deciduous Forests
Taimyr-Central Siberian Tundra
Taiwan Subtropical Evergreen Forests
Tarim Basin Deciduous Forests and Steppe
Tasmanian Central Highland Forests
Tasmanian Temperate Rainforests
Tenasserim-South Thailand Semi-Evergreen Rainforests
Terai-Duar Savanna and Grasslands
Tian Shan Foothill Arid Steppe
Tian Shan Montane Conifer Forests
Tian Shan Montane Steppe and Meadows
Tibesti-Jebel Uweinat Montane Xeric Woodlands
Tibetan Plateau Alpine Shrublands and Meadows
Tigris-Euphrates Alluvial Salt Marsh
Timor and Wetar Deciduous Forests
Tocantins/Pindare Moist Forests
Tonle Sap Freshwater Swamp Forests
Tonle Sap-Mekong Peat Swamp Forests
Trans Fly Savanna and Grasslands
Trans-Baikal Bald Mountain Tundra
Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt Pine-Oak Forests
Transantarctic Mountains Tundra
Trindade-Martin Vaz Islands Tropical Forests
Trinidad and Tobago Dry Forests
Trinidad and Tobago Moist Forest
Tristan Da Cunha-Gough Islands Shrub and Grasslands
Tuamotu Tropical Moist Forests
Tyrrhenian-Adriatic Sclerophyllous and Mixed Forests
Uatumã-Trombetas Moist Forests
Upper Gangetic Plains Moist Deciduous Forests
Upper Midwest US Forest-Savanna Transition
Urals Montane Forest and Taiga
Ussuri Broadleaf and Mixed Forests
Venezuelan Andes Montane Forests
Victoria Plains Tropical Savanna
Vogelkop-Aru Lowland Rainforests
Wasatch and Uinta Montane Forests
West Saharan Montane Xeric Woodlands
Western Australian Mulga Shrublands
Western Congolian Forest-Savanna
Western Congolian Swamp Forests
Western Guinean Lowland Forests
Western Gulf Coastal Grasslands
Western Himalayan Alpine Shrub and Meadows
Western Himalayan Broadleaf Forests
Western Himalayan Subalpine Conifer Forests
Western Java Montane Rainforests
Western Polynesian Tropical Moist Forests
Western Siberian Hemiboreal Forests
Windward Islands Moist Forests
Xingu-Tocantins-Araguaia Moist Forests
Yunnan Plateau Subtropical Evergreen Forests
Zagros Mountains Forest Steppe
Zambezian Coastal Flooded Savanna