We're building a global network of people empowered to protect our Earth.

A different future is possible. The solutions exist. The movement of changemakers is growing. Together, we can solve the climate crisis, restore the Earth, and create a just and vibrant future.

We are one Earth

The science is clear—we can solve the interconnected crises of climate change and biodiversity loss.

Based on groundbreaking science, One Earth developed a powerful Solutions Framework that provides a roadmap to stop climate change and protect biodiversity. The solutions are readily available, science-based, and fall under three pillars of collective action.


Transition our energy systems to 100% renewable energy for all.

A just transition to 100% renewable energy can be achieved today with widely available technologies, creating millions of jobs, saving billions in fuel costs, and preventing trillions in climate damages.


Protect, connect, and restore 50% of nature in a Global Safety Net.

By protecting and restoring half of Earth's lands and oceans we can reverse biodiversity loss and stabilize the Earth’s climate. Expanding Indigenous land rights, a deforestation moratorium, and restoring 350 million hectares of forest are vital for meeting the 1.5°C goal.


Transform our food and fiber systems to feed 10 billion people sustainably while restoring life back to the soil. 

By halving meat consumption and food waste, minimizing chemical inputs, diversifying crops, supporting smallholder farms, and boosting soil health, we can feed 10 billion people sustainably by 2050, greatly reduce agricultural emissions, and enhance nutrition.

Backed by science. Informed by experts.
Reconnect to your place on Earth, and explore solutions in action.
Reconnect to your place on Earth, and explore solutions in action.

Reconnect to your place on Earth, and explore solutions in action.

Explore Earth's diverse ecosystems across its 185 bioregions. Discover the growing network of organizations and local leaders from around the world who are implementing climate solutions, transforming our food and energy systems, and protecting nature. Learn how you can be a champion for the Earth by supporting the solutions we need now.


One Earth’s mission is to empower everyone, everywhere, to heal the Earth and reclaim our future.

Reconnect to your place on Earth, and explore solutions in action.

Knowledge through Science

We lead science to identify and prioritize solutions to the interconnected crises of climate change and biodiversity loss.

Knowledge through Science

Inspiration through Storytelling

We elevate solutions through inspiring stories and accessible tools to empower all people to envision and create a new future.

Inspiration through Storytelling

Opportunity through Engagement

We galvanize people to discover, join, share, and give to drive change across the Earth’s 185 diverse bioregions.

Opportunity through Engagement
Learn more about our work

We're having an impact

Turning knowledge into action by identifying and elevating effective climate solutions to shape policy, guide investments, support grassroots organizations, and galvanize a global movement of champions dedicated to regenerating our one Earth.

We're having an impact

We've supported the development and publication of 35 groundbreaking scientific reports.


Groundbreaking Reports

7.4 million people have engaged with our content across our digital platforms.


Digital Engagements

We've partnered with 60+ world-renowned scientists, research organizations, and academic institutions to advance climate and conservation solutions.


Scientific Partners

Over 3.5 million individuals in 92 countries have called on world leaders to take action for the Earth.


Individuals Galvanized

We've elevated and supported over 210 solution projects contributed by 170+ partner organizations across 66 bioregions and 53 countries.


Projects Supported

Over $9 million provided by the One Earth Community to support critical climate solutions around the world.


For Climate Solutions

One Earth in the Press

Collective action is at the heart of our work

One Earth believes in achieving meaningful impact through deep collaboration with a growing network of diverse experts, Indigenous leaders, local organizations, and mission-aligned companies. We are proud to partner with organizations working to create a better world where all people and nature thrive together. 

Partner with Us

Stay Informed and Inspired

Through the diverse voices and perspectives of One Earth’s global network of contributors, we’ve built an extensive library of stories that celebrate our Earth’s heroes, demystify climate science, and uplift innovative solutions, all while honoring the beauty of our shared planet. Dive in and transform your eco-anxiety into proactive climate action!

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