Energy Transition
Pillar of Collective Action
The energy transition is already underway, but we need to triple investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy deployment and phase out fossil fuel subsidies.
100% Renewable Energy NowCoastal wind turbines at sunset. Photo | Dreamstime 14338512
- The Extinction Solutions Index (ESI): A framework to measure solution efficiency to address biodiversity loss
- The Cleantech Revolution | It’s exponential, disruptive, and now | RMI
- One Earth Climate Model—Integrated Energy Assessment Model to Develop Industry-Specific 1.5 ◦C Pathways with High Technical Resolution for the Finance Sector
- Paper Tiger: Why the EU’s RED II biomass sustainability criteria fail forests and the climate
- 100% Renewable Energy for Costa Rica: A Decarbonization Roadmap
- Limiting Global Warming to 1.5 °C
- 2020 Vision
- 100% Clean and Renewable Wind, Water, and Sunlight All-Sector Energy Roadmaps for 139 Countries of the World
- Renewable Energy
- Transportation Efficiency
- Renewable Transport
- Renewable Heat
- Sustainable Biomass
- Offshore Wind
- Onshore Wind
- Solar Thermoelectric
- Wave Energy
- Green Hydrogen
- District Heat
- Sustainable Synfuel
- Sectoral Pathways to Net Zero Emissions
- Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals
- 2020 Vision: why you should see the fossil fuel peak coming
- Unlocking the inclusive growth story of the 21st century
- Carbon Countdown: Prices and Politics in the EU-ETS
- A low energy demand scenario for meeting the 1.5 °C target and sustainable development goals without negative emission technologies
- Renewable Hydrogen Roadmap